Experiments and Observations

LEFT: Marine paint only, CENTER: 6% Osen-guard added to marine paint, RIGHT: 20% Osen-Guard added to marine paint
1 July 2005, Place: Uchinoura fishing port in the Wakayama Japan
LEFTt: Marine paint only, CENTER: 6% Osen-guard added to marine paint, RIGHT: 20% Osen-Guard added to marine paint
30 October 2006,Place: Uchinoura fishing port in the Wakayama Japan
LEFTt: Marine paint only, CENTER: 6% Osen-guard added to marine paint, RIGHT: 20% Osen-Guard added to marine paint
26 Febulary 2007,Place: Uchinoura fishing port in the Wakayama Japan

Breeding time of aquatic life

We are currently looking for partners worldwide, to carry out further technical research on andsubsequent commercialization of a variant of Osen-guard which prevents the adhesions of sea creatures to fish farm netting. Please contact us if you are interested in this development.

Fish preserve for cultivation Seaweeds adhere to fishing net

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